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On 7 and 8 November, the fifth edition of the National Industry 4.0 Congress took place at the Palacio de Congresos in Valencia, with Argentina as the guest country. With Argentina as its guest country, Spain plays a bridging role between the European Union and Latin America, where public-private collaboration and collaboration with companies in the technology sector is essential. In this context, Geprom and Telefónica are a key partner for this transition, as has been highlighted in various roundtable discussions.

The Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, was in charge of opening the Congress, and held a debate on comparative public policies between Spain and Argentina together with José Ignacio de Mendiguren, Secretary General of Industry and Productive Development of Argentina.


“Without industry there is no nation”, said Mendiguren in one of his speeches. The industry is growing in Argentina, and facilitating the exit from the crisis, although it presents challenges that need to be addressed from a forward-looking perspective. It points out that “it is impossible to look to the past for the solution to the problems of the future”. “Argentina and Spain can face this new world together”. and “that is what we want to do with you in this new stage of Industry 4.0”.

Geprom at the congress: The importance of data.

Dario Cesena, CEO of Geprom Connecting Industries I Part of Telefónica Tech, was also present as a speaker at the congress.

Together with fellow panelists José Ramón Castro Silva from Siemens, Boris Delgado Riss from AENOR, María González from Accenture and José María Martínez-Gallo from Nippon Gases, they spoke about the challenges and trends in the connected industry, moderated by Salvador Enguix.

Dario focused on the importance of data collection as an essential element for companies to be competitive. “Without data, we cannot make smart decisions”.

Knowing all the necessary data, Dario pointed out, is the key for companies to know at all times in what state their production is in, what are the possible failures or incidents, how we can solve them, how we can improve our productivity and be more efficient, and in short, the data provide us with the necessary information to get closer to the total optimisation of our business. It has also allowed companies to adapt to unexpected changes and to a competitive market.

Telefónica at the congress: Digitalisation as a tool for transformation.

In a context of challenges, volatility and profound changes, digitalisation has arrived, “there is no other way to transform,” said Emilio Gayo, president of Telefónica de España. It shared the table for the promotion of the digitalisation of industry with Accenture, AENOR, NIPPON GASES, Siemens, in a panel moderated by Raül Blanco, Secretary General for Industry and SMEs. And for this digital transformation he sets out the essential elements: “Infrastructures are the basis and the good news is that Spain has them (4G, 5G, fibre),” said Gayo.