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The reality in the digital transformation of Industry 4.0 | sustainable manufacturing

ODS - Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

We are currently facing a major global problem: the scarcity of natural resources, a consequence of climate change. Among them, the scarcity of water and the rise in the price of energy costs make it one of the priorities to be solved by companies.

As early as 2015, world leaders approved The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which officially entered into force on January 1, 2016. With the goal of achieving in the next 15 years the end of poverty in all its forms, reducing inequality and fighting climate change while ensuring that no one is left behind.

industria e innovacion

The ODS 9 Industry innovation and infrastructure, focuses on bringing together all efforts to advocate the need to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Sustainability is acquiring an increasing role within the business models of companies. In this context, digitization is a key tool to guarantee and help manufacturing processes to be increasingly respectful of the environment. This is possible thanks to advances in technological tools that increase energy efficiency, save costs and improve productivity.

Clearly, we find ourselves with a need for digital transformation in the industry, which must:

… reinvent itself by looking for new business models
… question the existing model of production and supply
… seeking intelligent and flexible production, optimizing costs and all with sustainable resources and tools

More efficient and sustainable production

From Geprom | Part of Telefónica Tech we advocate for a more efficient and sustainable production with:

  1. Automation of processes and generation of data in real time
  2. Digitized, interconnected and accessible processes
  3. Accuracy in planning, stock optimization and automatic control of warehouse entries and exits
  4. Monitoring and control of production in real time and end-to-end traceability
  5. Advanced data processing that helps make the operation efficient and improves the quality of the products

How do we achieve efficient and sustainable production/manufacturing integration?

Ensuring productivity online with a MES System, which will help you:

  • Know the state of consumption and performance of the line.
  • Produce more, using the same resources. Through information and data.
  • Have greater availability, capacity and efficiency of the production line (OEE)
  • Improve stock and inventory control.

Ensuring efficiency in teams. With GMAO and Mto. Predictive, what it will do to you:

  • Have tools for digitalization and maintenance management
  • Have the machinery and work equipment in good condition with their preventive and corrective work
  • Have efficient and well-attended production teams
  • Reduce waste and shrinkage by improving quality

Optimizing planning, APS. With this you can have:

  • Optimal sequencing of available resources
  • Automatic simulations of parameters to be optimized
  • Block or prioritize resources to maximize production
  • Maximum use of available resources

With plant control in real time. Digital twin:

  • Difficulty to know the state of consumption and performance of the plant
  • Know how much, where and how much I am spending my resources in real time
  • Analysis of the data for decision making and fulfillment of objectives


Digitization is the key to a more sustainable industry. Thanks to it, industrial companies can reduce environmental impact, improving energy efficiency, reducing consumption and automating processes that help to have optimal production.

In addition, they will be able to make decisions by being more objective with data in real time, which will help to reduce time and consumption, gaining availability, efficiency and consequently having a more sustainable plant.

Are you interested in having sustainable manufacturing through digital transformation?

Contact us for advice on
How to approach an efficient digital transformation.