The first SCADA system was developed in the 1960s; since then, it has evolved considerably in terms of capabilities, scope and underlying technology.
One of the earliest and best known SCADA systems was developed by the engineering firm Bedford Associates, founded by George J. Bachman.
The system was implemented in 1964 to monitor Commonwealth Edison’s electric power transmission network in the Chicago, Illinois, USA area.
The term SCADA was first coined in the electric power industry as mentioned above, although today, SCADA systems are vital and functional for any industrial sector, especially for continuous manufacturing, where we highlight the following sectors: food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.In the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, SCADA systems are vital and functional for any industrial sector.
Today, SCADA has revolutionized the way industrial processes are monitored and controlled, offering a range of benefits from improving operational efficiency to ensuring the quality and safety of the final product.