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Digital transformation in industry is nothing more than the strategic application of technology in factory processes to achieve one or more of the three fundamental pillars in the industrial sector:

  • Produce more (Productivity)
  • Produce at lower cost (Efficiency)
  • Produce better (Quality)

Spain ranks 24th in the Fourth Industrial Revolution technology adoption index (2021 Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum). In addition, the Spanish government promotes the adoption of Industry 4.0, with initiatives such as the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2021-2027, which includes a plan to promote digitization and Industry 4.0 in companies.

Although there is data that indicates that we are a country with great growth potential and actions supported by the government, digital transformation continues to be a great challenge for the industrial sector, since it is extremely difficult to know where to start and how to project the technology. in the future so that you have coherence with the processes of each particular sector and with the business strategy of the company.

This is not about investing in technology only, but also about making a cultural change in the organization and in people that supports the company’s long-term growth strategy.

A consultancy specialized in digital transformation must always start from the industrial process with the study of all the operations that take place in the company, from the receipt of an order or the planning of a stock, to the delivery of the finished product. In this analysis, all the points with potential for improvement that will pursue the three aforementioned pillars will be raised:

“Remember that digitizing a poorly optimized process is like putting the mask under your nose”
Javier Arias, Commercial Director of Geprom | Part of Telefonica Tech –

Once the process map has been drawn up with the points to be improved, it is when studying how the existing technological capacity in the market is capable of covering all these points in the best possible way and in accordance with the ecosystem of the plant (Communications, business, systems, etc.). In this way, we always move from necessity to technology, guaranteeing the success of the implementation of future projects.

In this journey, it is essential that the company’s management participate actively, guaranteeing a cultural change that lasts and is transformed into the expected results. It is also essential to involve as many people as possible.

“Sometimes, the line operator’s point of view is the cornerstone on which technology rests”
Borja Rubio, Geprom Digital Transformation Consultant | Part of Telefonica Tech –

Phases of a consultancy specialized in digital transformation | Industry 4.0

The main phases of an industrial consulting service in digital transformation are the following:

  1. To diagnose
  2. Identify opportunities for improvement
  3. Technology projection (prioritized Road Map)
  4. Accompaniment in the implementation

At Geprom, we make available to our clients the experience of Industry experts, who have worked in different factories and have extensive knowledge of market technology, to help them successfully embark on their path to digital transformation.

“The question that is posed today in the management committees is no longer whether to go digital or not, but when and with whom”
– Javier Arias, Commercial Director of Geprom | Part of Telefonica Tech-