Who we are

Technology and talent to transform industry

Geprom, Part of Telefónica Tech desde 2021. We are a technology-based engineering company specialized in the field of industrial automation and digital transformation, developing, and integrating turnkey projects in the planning, production, quality, logistics and maintenance areas specialised in Industry 4.0.

At Geprom, we understand that every company, no matter its size, sets in motion their digital revolution in a unique way, integrating in their business models: people, data, machines, and processes.

On this basis, we help our clients by offering solutions, services, and products in an integral way to make the digital transformation a reality and together overcome the obstacles of Industry 4.0.

“Formar parte de Telefónica Tech nos permitirá acompañar a los clientes hacia la Smart Factory con más capacidades y servicios, al aunar nuestro expertise en Industria con su extensa propuesta de valor y experiencia en dicho sector en ámbitos como la conectividad, las comunicaciones y las infraestructuras, servicios claves para asegurar la transformación digital de la industria” afirma Darío Cesena, CEO de Geprom.

We are Industry

We are specialists in automation, supervision and control of industrial processes, from engineering to the commissioning of installations.


We are Digitals

We make Industry 4.0 a reality through a wide variety of custom-made solutions, products and services.


We are Service

We develop together with our partners and clients the most advanced solutions, adding skills and knowledge to go further.

years of experience

We are a Team

We understand digital transformation through people, who are the real focus of change.


“The progress to production 4.0 is focused on the combination of technology and talent. This is the path that we are building day by day at Geprom. Let’s make the future a reality today.”

Dario Cesena

CEO Geprom Connecting Industries

Our values



We recognize the work of others, and we commit ourselves to people who have a responsible attitude, work as a team and create a positive work environment.



We are looking for people with enterprising spirit, optimistic and ambitious.



In Geprom we evaluate ourselves constantly looking always for our professionals’ development based on their merits and offering real responsibilities.